Editorial Board Ethics
The policy of Editorial Board of the Theoretical and Experimental Psychology Journal (hereinafter referred to as the Journal) is based on the standards of ethical behavior of all parties involved in the publication: Authors, Editors, Reviewers, Publishers, Readers, and Distributors. The Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education (abbreviated as PI RAE) is responsible for compliance with all ethical recommendations and is guided by the principles set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Principles of Transparency & Best Practice for Scholarly Publication, and the Psychologist Code of Ethics of the Russian Psychological Society (RPS). PI RAE also interacts with the RPS Commission on Scientific Publications in order to comply with all modern ethical recommendations in published works. Materials presenting content prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation and violating the principles of the Code of Ethics of the Russian Psychological Society are not allowed for publication.
1. Ethical Principles of Editorial Office
Editorial Office is a department in the Publishing House that prepares manuscripts for publication. The quality and timeliness of the Journal issue depends on the coordinated actions of the Editorial Office staff.
- Editorial Office of the Journal, under the leadership of Chief Editor and Editorial Board, decides on the publication of all manuscripts. Free publicationof all materials – with the Creative Commons license (http://creativecommons.ru/licenses). Attribution Non-Commercial CC-BY-NC ("with attribution-non-Commercial”) type.
- Editorial Office and Editorial Board of the Journal bear responsibility for the quality of published scientific articles taking into account the Reviewers’ opinion.
- Editorial Office does not disclose information about submitted manuscripts to anyone other than Chief Editor, Author, Reviewers, and Publisher.
- The Journal undertakes to keep the information received confidential. Unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts, without written consent of the Author, cannot be used in personal research by the Chief Editor and the Editorial Board members and must be kept secret.
- When evaluating submitted manuscripts, Editorial Board of the Journal takes into consideration only their scientific value and intellectual content and does not take into account the race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, citizenship or political views of the Author.
- Editorial Board does not allow for publication materials containing information prohibited by legislation of the Russian Federation.
- In case a Reader or an Editorial employee finds inaccuracy or error in the published manuscript, they must inform Editorial Board for corrections or removal of the article.
- Editorial Office of the Journal, gives the author exclusive copyright without any restrictions.
2. Ethical principles of Reviewers
Reviewer is a specialist having the necessary level of competence and knowledge about the latest developments and research for an expert assessment in the subject area to which the manuscript topic belongs. The review process is intended to assist the Chief Editor and Editorial Board members in making editorial decisions, as well as to assist the Author in improving the article by means of active interaction between the Author and the Editorial Board.
- In the event that Reviewer cannot complete his work within the specified time or feels a lack of qualifications for reviewing the manuscript on the subject proposed to him, he must notify Editorial Board in order to exclude himself from review process.
- The Manuscript received by the Reviewer must be treated as a confidential document.
- The Review must be objective and constructive. Personal criticism of the Author is unacceptable.
- Reviewer should point to significant published work relevant to the topic but not included in the manuscript bibliography. Any reference to previously published observations, conclusions, or arguments should be accompanied by an appropriate bibliographic reference.
- Reviewer should also draw attention of Chief Editor to the discovery of significant similarity or coincidence between the manuscript under consideration and any other published work that is in the field of his scientific competence.
- Unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts cannot be used by the Reviewer in personal research without written consent of the Author.
- Reviewers should not participate in the review of manuscripts in the event of a conflict of interest with any of the Authors, companies or other organizations associated with the submitted work.
- Reviewers are required to maintain confidentiality regarding information or ideas that become known to them in the course of reviewing manuscripts, and should not use them for personal gain.
3. Ethical principles of the Authors
- When submitting manuscripts to the journal, the Authors must be responsible for the information provided, which must be objective and correct. Research data should be presented as accurately as possible in accordance with the Journal requirements for design of scientific articles. Manuscripts should contain sufficient details and bibliographical references to enable the study to be reproduced by other scientists. False or knowingly erroneous statements are unacceptable and considered as unethical behavior.
- Authors must ensure that they represent original work and that all citations or references to the works of other Authors are formatted appropriately. Both the presentation of someone else's work under the guise of one's own and paraphrasing parts of someone else's work are considered to be incorrect borrowing which is absolutely unacceptable and is perceived as an act of unethical behavior. When submitting manuscripts to the Journal, Authors confirm by a written statement their consent to the procedure for checking originality of the text using the Anti-Plagiarism system.
- In case of discovering significant errors or inaccuracies in the publication, the Author must inform Editorial Board of the Journal in order to remove the article or correct errors as soon as possible.
- It is considered categorically unacceptable if the Author publishes his research in more than one journal, even if it is presented in different languages.
- Only those individuals who have made a significant contribution to the conception, development, execution, and interpretation of the presented study should be credited as the Authors of a publication. All those who have made a significant contribution to the work should be designated as Co-Authors. Other individuals who have made some contribution to the research project may be listed as participants, or they may be given special recognition.
- The Author submitting the manuscript to the Journal should make sure that all participants who have made significant contribution to the study are represented as Co-Authors, and that among the Co-Authors there are no those who did not participate in the work. It is also important to ensure that all Co-Authors have seen and approved the final version of the manuscript and agreed to submit it for publication.
- If the study involves participation of animals or people as subjects of research, Authors should always monitor the observance of the rights to privacy. The human/animal study report must clearly state that appropriate approvals, licenses, and registrations have been obtained by the Author prior to the start of the study. For example, the approval of expert council of organization or research ethics committee, permission of the national licensing authorities to use animals.
- All Authors must disclose in their manuscript any financial or other conflict of interest that may affect the results or interpretation of their manuscript.
- The journal publishes materials of authors from different countries and regions. Authors are responsible for compliance with the laws of the countries and regions they represent. The editors of the journal act in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
4. Ethical principles of Editorial Board
Editorial board is a group of experts working in the Journal who determine the tone and direction of the Journal editorial policy. Editorial board, headed by the Chief Editor, has its task to evaluate manuscripts as well as to make decisions about the possibility of their publication.
- Editorial board headed by the Chief Editor accepts articles for publication in the Journal free of charge. After concluding the Author's Agreement, checking the Manuscript for "Antiplagiarism" and passing the stage of double-blind Peer Review, a decision is made to publish the manuscript.
- Editorial Board of the Journal keeps information about an unpublished manuscript secret from everyone except Chief Editor, responsible Author, Reviewers, Editorial Board, and the Publisher.
- In the event that any representative of the Editorial Board or the readership finds inaccuracy or error in the published work, it is recommended to report this to the Editorial Board and demand corrections or removal of the article as soon as possible.
- The Chief Editor, who has received convincing evidence that the statements or conclusions presented in the publication are erroneous, must inform the Editorial Board and the responsible Author about this in order to make changes, withdraw the publication, publish a statement, express concern or taking other actions appropriate to the situation.
- The decisions taken by the editorial board can be reconsidered in accordance with the changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation