Theoretical and Experimental Psychology
ISSN 2073-0861
eISSN 2782-5396
En Ru
ISSN 2073-0861
eISSN 2782-5396

Formation of information-psychological resistance to socio-cultural threats among university students


Background. Sociocultural threats caused by the emergence of social confl icts, ambivalent ideas about passionarity and activity of people in the construction of the surrounding world, a pronounced state of uncertainty in understanding the goals and directions of society development, actualize the task of ensuring information and psychological safety of young people. The solution to this problem is possible through the formation of skills for safe information behavior and interaction in the digital environment, supposing development of information-psychological stability.

Objective. The purpose of the study was to develop and verify a psychological educational program for the formation of information and psychological resistance of the university students to socio-cultural threats based on the development of leveling personality resources.

Design. The psychological and pedagogical experiment was conducted on the basis of Russian State Social University and Shuya Branch of Ivanovo State University in the 2021/2022 academic year. The methodological basis was made up of cultural-historical, subject-activity and risk-resource approaches. The program included four stages: formation of motivation and knowledge, formation of informational behavior, formation of critical thinking, formation of a prosocial orientation (within the framework of academic disciplines of psychological profile and extracurricular work).

Methods. 103 students took part in the study (16% men, 84% women, aged 17 to 20 years). The following methods were used in the study: “Scale of subjective well-being” (Perrudel-Badoux, Mendelsohn, Chiche, Russian adaptation by M.V. Sokolova), “Definition of socio-cultural identity” (O.V. Krupenko, O.V. Frolova), “Moral grounds questionnaire” (J. Haidt et al., Russian adaptation by O.A. Sychev et al.), “Index of self-assessment of information skills” (Y.L. Voynilov, D.V. Maltseva, L.V. Shubina), “Scale of virtual autism” (E.N. Gilemkhanova). 

Results. According to the results of control measurements carried out before and aft er the psychological and pedagogical experiment, students who passed 4 stages of the developed Program demonstrated a statistically signifi cant positive change in the indicators of information- psychological resistance to socio-cultural threats (Student’s t-criterion, p < 0.001).

Conclusion. The study shows that development of leveling personality resources, and through them — the development of value-motivational, emotional-volitional, cognitive, interpersonal spheres contributes to the formation of a student’s Self-concept resistant to sociocultural threats through developing of agency and constructing psychologically safe informational behavior.

Practical use of the results. The psychological educational program developed for the study purposes can be useful in practical work of psychologists and teachers with young people in the system of psychological support and educational work at the university


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Keywords: information-psychological stability; socio-cultural threats; students

Available in the on-line version with: 21.06.2022

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Issue 1, 2022