Theoretical and Experimental Psychology
ISSN 2073-0861
eISSN 2782-5396
En Ru
ISSN 2073-0861
eISSN 2782-5396

Creative personality and society


Background. The life of a creative person, his activity takes place in close relationship with the world, in certain social, cultural and historical circumstances. Creative activity requires cooperation between creative people, certain conditions. At the same time, in psychological science creative personality is oft en considered outside of a social, cultural and historical context. Modern world needs creative people, yet the attitudes towards creative people are still complicated and controversial.

Objective. Theoretical analysis of the peculiarities of the creative person’s relationship with society. 

Design. Theoretical analysis of psychological literature focused on the formation of a creative personality, his relationship with society and psychological biographies of creative people.

Results. The mastery of a system of knowledge in the relevant field is an indispensable condition for creative activity, for creation of a socially signifi cant product. At the stage of maturation, the creative person feels the need for a developing environment and is very active in finding these opportunities. The relationship between creative people and society remains difficult in many cultures and countries of the modern world. Educational practices in many countries do not contribute to the development of a creative person. Psychological features of creative person (activity, courage, autonomy, individuality) are perceived as a threat in a socio-cultural context focused on stability, predictability and hierarchy. 

Conclusion. Creative personality is active in his relationship with the world, both at the stage of its formation and in the process of its activity. The creative person oft en finds himself in the conflict with society and at the same time is responsive to its needs. The life decisions of a creative person are largely determined by the need to realize his creative potential


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Keywords: creativity; creative personality; creative activity; society; culture

Available in the on-line version with: 21.06.2022

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Issue 1, 2022