Theoretical and Experimental Psychology
ISSN 2073-0861
eISSN 2782-5396
En Ru
ISSN 2073-0861
eISSN 2782-5396

Increasing self-regulation of students’ volitional sphere as a factor of professional training effectiveness


Background. Self-regulation of the volitional sphere is one of the important students’ abilities contributing to the effectiveness of their professional training. Designing practical technologies for the systematic improvement of such components of self-regulation as the individual’s volitional organization, flexibility, planning, as well as development of the volitional potential and its value-semantic organization, is in demand by the educational environment, since it contributes not only to improving academic performance, but also to personal and professional growth of students. 

Objective. The study was aimed to determine the specifics of increasing the students’ volitional sphere self-regulation based on the results of a psychological and pedagogical formative experiment. 

Sample. The sample consisted of 120 students of the Faculty of Psychology at the Russian State Social University (60 students in the experimental group and 60 students in the control group). 

Methods. The study included diagnostic, statistical-mathematical and experimental (formative) stages. The study implemented three questionnaires: by T.V. Orlova — to determine the individual’s volitional potential; by V.I. Morosanova — to identify the style of self-regulation of behavior; by M.S. Gutkin, G.F. Mikhailchenko and A.V. Prudilo — to describe the features of the volitional organization of personality. The experimental group underwent the course of classes according to a specially designed program for increasing self-regulation of the volitional sphere (10 online meetings for 1.5 hours). Data processing included the K. Pearson correlation test, the Chaddock table, and the Mann–Whitney U-test. 

Results. The study revealed the main features of the students’ volitional sphere self-regulation: above the average level of flexibility, planning and value-semantic organization of personality; the average level in terms of the volitional potential and organization, perse- verance, results evaluation, independence, general self-regulation; below average level of modeling, programming, determination, and composure. 

A significant relationship has been established between the students’ flexibility, planning, value-semantic organization and academic performance, volitional organization, volitional potential, and self-regulation. 

A comparative analysis of the results of the psychological and pedagogical formative experiment (significance level of differences: p < 0.05) showed that there were no significant changes in the control group of students, while in the experimental group an increase was fixed in the indicators of academic performance, volitional organization of personality, flexibility, organization of activities, self-control, and independence. 

Conclusion. Attention is focused on the need for prophylaxis and correction of the students’ volitional sphere self-regulation by means of professional testing, special exercises and career-guidance games.


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PDF, ru

Received: 04/17/2022

Accepted: 05/06/2022

Accepted date: 08/11/2022

Keywords: self-regulation; volitional sphere; students; efficiency; formative experiment

Available in the on-line version with: 11.08.2022

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Issue 2, 2022