Theoretical and Experimental Psychology
ISSN 2073-0861
eISSN 2782-5396
En Ru
ISSN 2073-0861
eISSN 2782-5396

Convergence of scientific traditions and innovative technologies as a way to update the content of pedagogical activity


Background. Sustainability, stability and progressive development of the country are largely determined by the status of its education system, its lead potential and ability to respond opportunely to the challenges of time, to take into account risks and to solve urgent, most acute problems. In the whole complex of problems of the Russian education one can single out the central one determining all the others — the lack of a strategy for innovative pedagogical education. 

Objective. The author had the purpose to conduct a multidimensional analysis of the factors determining the external and internal prerequisites for the personal and professional development of a teacher in the conditions of an updated pedagogical education. 

Results. The article provides a psychological analysis of possible positive dynamics, strategies of personal and professional development of a teacher based on the continuity of cultural traditions and innovative scientific technologies developed at the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education. It is shown that the accumulated theoretical and empirical material aimed at optimizing the educational process at school and university should be rethought and taken into account at the present stage of society development. The research team has carried out a series of studies that allowed to develop a new methodological — “systemic personality developing” approach, a concept and technology of personal and professional development of a teacher. The research presented in the article is aimed at solving the urgent problem of scientific and empirical substantiation of psychological concepts for development of a teacher ensuring the psychological well-being of students in a crisis period. A comparative analysis of two stages of empirical research (before the crisis and during the crisis) demonstrated that about a quarter of all surveyed teachers are specialists with a high level of personal and professional development, and they are able to create a psychologically favorable educational environment for their students. The number of teachers with a low level of personal and professional development increased significantly during the crisis, which negatively affected the level of anxiety, uncertainty, and fears among their students. 

Conclusion. The study established that it is the teacher who is the main subject providing a psychologically favorable educational environment for students, taking into account fundamental changes and crises in society: socio-cultural, philosophical, economic, political, etc. The obtained evidence base allowed for creation of a new practice of psychological training of future teachers which has been transformed at the target, content (personal, interpersonal, professional), technological, organizational, and strategic levels.


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Received: 06/27/2022

Accepted: 07/07/2022

Accepted date: 10/13/2022

Keywords: personal and professional development of a teacher; systemic personality developing approach; concept and technology of professional development; professionalization models; new practice of teacher training; scientific traditions; innovative technologies

Available in the on-line version with: 13.10.2022

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Issue 3, 2022