Theoretical and Experimental Psychology
ISSN 2073-0861
eISSN 2782-5396
En Ru
ISSN 2073-0861
eISSN 2782-5396

Concepts and models of intellectual giftedness in children: world trends and prospects in the XXI century


Background. The article is devoted to the analysis of changes in modern scientific ideas about the giftedness of children in recent years on the example of the most famous concepts and models in the world. The relevance of the study is due to the need for scientific substantiation of approaches to the identification, development and support of gifted children as one of the priority areas of the education system.

Objective — to characterize the main trends in the evolution of the world-recognized concepts and models of intellectual giftedness and its development in the context of the modern education tasks, based on the analysis of scientific publications, mainly of the last five years.

Results. It is shown that one of the main trends of changes in the concepts of giftedness is the expansion and complication of ideas about its cognitive as well as non-cognitive intrapersonal components and their development in interaction with the influence of the environment. The research demonstrated specifics of manifestations and development of giftedness in different types of mental activity and the individual variability of its dynamics at different age and educational stages. The author substantiated the necessity of building an educational environment conducive to developing the giftedness of different types and creating more complex, varied, and dynamic educational strategies and methods.

Conclusion. The results of the study expand and deepen the understanding of giftedness in children and youth, demonstrate the variability of its cognitive, intrapersonal, sociopsychological characteristics,create a fundamental basis for the development and support of advanced educational practice.


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Received: 03/31/2023

Accepted: 04/06/2023

Accepted date: 06/13/2023

Keywords: children; students; abilities; giftedness; intelligence; cognitive and non-cognitive factors; personality; development; education; environment; school; psychological and pedagogical support

Available in the on-line version with: 13.06.2023

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Issue 2, 2023