Theoretical and Experimental Psychology
ISSN 2073-0861
eISSN 2782-5396
En Ru
ISSN 2073-0861
eISSN 2782-5396

System-complex paradigm of domestic psychology


Background. Russian monographs and textbooks describe only foreign psychological paradigms. The paradigms developed by Russian psychologists make it possible to achieve the level of scientific philosophical generalization, but do not specify the psychological paradigms themselves. Therefore, appealing to the system-complex paradigm seems to be especially relevant at the present stage of development of domestic psychology.

Objective. The study has its purpose to present a system-complex paradigm based on the works of Russian psychologists.

Sample. The study features the works of 35 scientists.

Methods. Historical analysis (historiogenesis) of psychological literature by foreign and domestic scientists.

Results. The study showed that in the works of domestic scientists an integral Person is considered as a subject of psychology, who can be described within the framework of a system-complex paradigm and understood only through the relationship of internal and external, biological and social, individual and societal, as a system, in its interdependence and development. When considering the phenomenon of human being, the combination of structural, systemic and complex approaches with evolutionary approach seems to be the most promising at the present stage of development of a holistic human knowledge.

Conclusion. The article presents scientific and methodological statements, views and positions of authoritative Russian scientists (philosophers, historians, psychologists) to substantiate and support the system-complex paradigm of domestic psychology. Within the framework of this paradigm, important problems of human studies and human knowledge are considered. In the conditions of scientific convergence of Western and Russian psychology, for the purpose of a deep and multidimensional study of a person, it seems appropriate to abandon the unilateral application of the principles of the one and only psychological paradigm and move to a systematic and complex use of the basic principles of modern psychology in their unity and interconnection.


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Received: 03/13/2023

Accepted: 04/29/2023

Accepted date: 06/14/2023

Keywords: paradigm; system-complex; structure; system; complexity; integrity

Available in the on-line version with: 14.06.2023

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Issue 2, 2023