Theoretical and Experimental Psychology
ISSN 2073-0861
eISSN 2782-5396
En Ru
ISSN 2073-0861
eISSN 2782-5396

Conscious self-regulation and coping strategies as resources for overcoming difficult life situations


Background. The relevance of the study is due to the search for regulatory and intrapersonal resources for a successful way out of difficult life situations on the example of the postoperative period after high-tech operations on the large joints.

Objective. The study had its purpose to scrutinize the contribution of conscious selfregulation and coping strategies to overcoming difficult life situations.

Methods. “Self-Regulation Profile Questionnaire by Morosanova — SRPQM 2020”, questionnaire “Methods of Coping Behavior” by R. Lazarus, questionnaire of cognitive regulation of emotions by N. Garnefsky, “Knee Score Scale” modified by D. Insall, “Hip Joint Assessment System”.

Sample of the study consisted of 128 people of them: 80 men, 48 women (average age 55.76 ± 12.7), who underwent high-tech operations on the large joints. Measurements were carried out in two stages: before the operation and 1.5 months later.

Results confirm that most people experience difficulties in the process of self-recovery after high-tech operations. The study revealed a positive contribution of adaptive coping strategies, such as problem-solving planning and reviewing the situation from the positive side to the patients’ recovery. These coping strategies make a positive contribution to compliance with standard recovery deadlines and reduce the effect of ineffective cognitive-emotional strategies. Avoidance, denial of the problem, fantasizing and emotional distancing prevent a successful exit from a difficult life situation and delay the recovery process. The study also showed contribution of self-accusation, exaggeration of occurred events significance and blaming others to the difficulties that arise during self-rehabilitation. The research results demonstrate the system-forming resource role of conscious self-regulation in the successful overcoming difficult life situations, where conscious self-regulation acts as a central predictor and mediator of other personality characteristics.

Conclusions. Adaptive coping strategies and conscious self-regulation make a significant contribution to overcoming difficult life situations. Self-regulation is a predictor and mediator of health indicators and compliance with standard rehabilitation deadlines; it plays a system-forming resource role in restraining ineffective ways of cognitive-emotional regulation and coping strategies in the process of overcoming difficult life situations.


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Received: 05/21/2023

Accepted: 07/17/2023

Accepted date: 09/29/2023

Keywords: self-regulation; cognitive regulation; coping strategies; resource

Available in the on-line version with: 29.09.2023

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Issue 3, 2023