Theoretical and Experimental Psychology
ISSN 2073-0861
eISSN 2782-5396
En Ru
ISSN 2073-0861
eISSN 2782-5396

Friendship as a factor of transformation of self-regulatory processes of personality


Background. In the face of threats of increased individualism and the prevalence of loneliness problems, supporting the individual’s focus on the values of friendly relationships and focusing research on understanding the transformation processes of the individual (in particular, changes in the self-regulation characteristics) in the context of his co-existence with a significant Other is a relevant and little-studied topic.

Purpose. The study had its purpose to identify the specifics of changes in the processes of self-regulation of an individual under conditions of coexistence with a friend.

Methods. “Self-regulation Profile Questionnaire by V.I. Morosanova (SRPQM)” and its modification, methodology for studying personality self-esteem by S.A. Budassi and its modification.

Sample. The study involved students of Kuban State University from different areas of training (N = 100).

Results. The study revealed significant changes in the students’ general level of selfregulation and its characteristics depending on existing friendships: an increase in behavior conscious self-regulation (“general level” scale), optimization of conditions in achieving one’s goals (“modeling” scale) based on a critical attitude to the performing actions (“result evaluation” scale), an increase in plasticity of the regulatory processes (“flexibility” scale).

Conclusions. In a situation of co-existence, a “possible Other” can be both a destructive factor for a person’s self-regulation (impaired planning, value disorientation, etc.), as well as a supporting factor, providing more accurate self-identification, certainty in setting goals, increasing agency in organizing the spaces of one’s being. Friendship relationships, being a person’s coexistence with a “significant Other”, generally increase the resources of self-regulation: the modeling process is optimized, flexibility and adequacy in evaluating results increase. At the same time, a person’s independence decreases, which is natural, since another subject is involved in the regulatory process.


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Received: 07/11/2023

Accepted: 10/26/2023

Accepted date: 12/12/2023

Keywords: personality; self-regulation; friendship; “significant Other”; co-existence

Available in the on-line version with: 11.12.2023

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Issue 4, 2023