Theoretical and Experimental Psychology
ISSN 2073-0861
eISSN 2782-5396
En Ru
ISSN 2073-0861
eISSN 2782-5396

Individual trajectories of psychological well-being dynamics in younger adolescents predicted by personality traits and conscious self-regulation


Background. The relevance of study is determined by society’s demand for searching the resources for maintaining psychological well-being (PWB) and positive development of students in a changing educational environment.

Objective. To study individual trajectories of the PWB dynamics depending on the level of conscious self-regulation development and personality features of younger adolescents educated in grades 4-6 of comprehensive school.

Methods. Russian-language version of the questionnaire “Well-Being Manifestation Measure Scale” (Morosanova, Bondarenko, Fomina, 2018); “Big Five Questionnaire — Children version (BFQ-C)” (Russian adaptation by Malykh, Tikhomirova, Vasin, 2015); V.I. Morosanova‘s “Self-Regulation Profile of Learning Activity Questionnaire (SRPLAQ)” (Morosanova, Bondarenko, 2017). Statistical analysis was carried in JASP software, version using the Latent Growth Curve Modeling (LGCM).

Sample. 120 pupils (58 boys) educated in one school of Kaluga took part in the longitudinal study.

Results. The study results demonstrate that individual differences in PWB level of younger adolescents in the 4th grade are determined by the general level of conscious self-regulation as well as the personality features of extraversion and agreeableness. The specifics of individual PWB trajectories in the period from 4th to 6th grade depend on the level of conscious self-regulation. In particular, the higher the level of self-regulation the less is the risk of decline in PWB during 4–6th grades. Gender contributes to psychological well-being only in the 4th grade: its level is higher in boys compared to girls.

Conclusion. New data have been obtained allowing to expand theoretical knowledge about regulatory and personal predictors of psychological well-being in early adolescence.


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Received: 09/28/2023

Accepted: 11/29/2023

Accepted date: 12/12/2023

Keywords: psychological well-being; personality traits; conscious self-regulation; younger adolescents; trajectories; Latent Growth Curve Modeling

Available in the on-line version with: 12.12.2023

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Issue 4, 2023