Theoretical and Experimental Psychology
ISSN 2073-0861
eISSN 2782-5396
En Ru
ISSN 2073-0861
eISSN 2782-5396

Value-semantic regulators and personal characteristics of emergency service operators with different length of work experience


Background. Professional activity of the emergency service operators is directly related to the organization of assistance to people in trouble, which imposes great responsibility and special moral requirements on the specialists.

Objective. To investigate the value-semantic regulators and their connection with personality features of emergency service operators with different length of work experience.

Methods. The study implemented the following diagnostic techniques: the ad hoc questionnaire on the values of professional interaction; “Psychological appearance” questionnaire by E. Reznikov (three scales: values-goals, values-means and attitudes to work); “Self-Regulation Profile Questionnaire-98” by V. Morosanova; T. Leary’s “Diagnostics of Interpersonal Relations” adapted by L. Sobchik; S. Muddy’s “Resilience Test” adapted by D. Leontiev; “Method of assessing trust to one’s self” by N. Astanina; “Method of assessing trust/distrust to other people” by A. Kypreichenko; G. Herzberg’s “Motivation Structure Test”.

Sample. Study included emergency service operators of the State Budgetary Institution “System 112” (N = 82) and was divided into 2 groups according to their lengths of work experience — “novices” (1 to 3 years) and “experienced professionals” (4 to 9 years).

Results. Value-semantic regulators of the group of novices are “respect” and “goodwill”, reflecting the main orientation of this type of operator work. This group is characterized by the conjunction of responsible attitude to work and trust to one’s self. The main mechanisms of self-regulation of the “novices” are modeling and flexibility. A distinctive value of professional interaction in the group of experienced operators turned out to be “hard work”. Professionals in this group tend to take responsibility based on self-confidence and their style of self-regulation. This group is also characterized by high levels of resilience, risk acceptance, and self-control.

Conclusion. For experienced operators of “System 112” emergency service, the basis for an individual style of professional activity that allows them to cope with emergency component is the value attached to work. The distinctive value-semantic regulator of this group is “hard work” performing a motivational function. The behavioral strategy of experienced emergency operators is reflected in the interconnection of “resilience,” “risk taking,” and “control.” The professional behavior strategy of the novices in emergency service is associated with their attitude to work based on the value of other people. The main value-semantic regulators of their professional interaction are “respect”, “help”, and “benevolence” performing an integrative function. Newcomers to the emergency service are characterized by an adaptive strategy, which is supported by such self-regulation mechanisms as “modeling” and “flexibility.” Their distinctive feature is a responsible attitude to work in conjunction with self-confidence and flexibility.


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Received: 07/11/2023

Accepted: 10/06/2023

Accepted date: 12/12/2023

Keywords: emergency service; “System 112” operator; professional interaction; value-semantic regulators; motivation; style of self-regulation of behavior

Available in the on-line version with: 12.12.2023

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Issue 4, 2023