Theoretical and Experimental Psychology
ISSN 2073-0861
eISSN 2782-5396
En Ru
ISSN 2073-0861
eISSN 2782-5396

Individual and group interests of HR specialists as value-semantic regulators of their self-efficacy


Background. In modern organizations, specialists who are ready to cope with uncertainty, stress, anxiety, capable of conscious self-regulation, self-organization, and characterized by high self-efficacy are of particular value. First of all, this applies to specialists who directly work with the personnel of organizations, since their effectiveness and motivation influence the activities of other employees. In this regard, it seems relevant to study individual and group interests of HR specialists as their self-efficacy regulators in the system of personal resources.

Objective. The study had its purpose to study the relationship between the self-efficacy of HR-specialists and their individual and group interests.

Methods. Theoretical categorical analysis, the Maddux-Scheer self-efficacy test, the author's technique for identifying the employees' labor interests, statistical methods.

Sample. Human resource specialists, N=120, 67% women, mean age 31 years.

Results. Analysis and comparative evaluation of the data obtained on 8 subscales of labor interests (economic, professional, career, group, corporate, territorial, civil and general) and 2 subscales of self-efficacy (activity and social) have revealed that HR-specialists with high and medium levels of self-efficacy were dominated by the individual (economic, professional, and career) interests, while those with a low level of self-efficacy – by the group and corporate interests. It was found that professional, career, and economic interests are most associated with self-efficacy (r=0.5; r=0.485 and r=0.423 with p` <0.05, respectively). The group interests of HR-specialists are not linked to their self-efficacy.

Conclusion. The identified correlation between general labor interests and self-efficacy allows to conclude: the higher the level of interest of an HR specialist in his activities, the higher he assesses his competence in solving professional problems and the more confident he is in achieving the desired result, which strengthens his self-efficacy in professional activities and ultimately affects labor productivity. In addition, the orientation of labor interests can serve as a value-semantic regulator of self-efficacy.


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Received: 06/22/2023

Accepted: 11/20/2023

Accepted date: 12/12/2023

Keywords: individual and group interests; self-efficacy; human resources specialists

Available in the on-line version with: 12.12.2023

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Issue 4, 2023