Theoretical and Experimental Psychology
ISSN 2073-0861
eISSN 2782-5396
En Ru
ISSN 2073-0861
eISSN 2782-5396

Body schema and the system of mental representation of human movements


Background. TThe study of mental representations of the human body has more than a century history. Although quite a lot of knowledge and research results have already been accumulated, there is still no common understanding of the body schema and body image. Despite the importance of the internal representation system for the formation and implementation of body movements, in the Russian-language literature very few works are devoted to this issue.

Objective. The study had its purpose to systematize and analyze data on the body schema and body image as systems of internal representation of human movements.

Results. The literature analysis showed that most researchers agree that body schema and body image are different non-identical phenomena and that body schema, or at least its parts, is innate. In the course of life, body schema plays a crucial role in the implementation of body movements, including through feedback, integration of sensorimotor experience and multimodal sensations. At the same time, the body image cannot be considered in isolation from the body schema. It is formed mainly on the basis of integration of various types of stimulation (tactile, vestibular, proprioceptive, visual, etc.). In the context of studying movement formation, proprioception and vestibular reception also play a critical role. Thus, in case of the proprioception loss, the body image suffers first of all, which leads to impossibility of automatic performance of even simple movements. However, there is still a possibility to realize the motor function on the basis of the body schema.

Conclusions. Body schema, being initially innate, is a relatively independent phenomenon, which is gradually adjusted, refined and perfected in the course of life, growth, and accumulation of individual experience (motor, sensory, vestibular, proprioceptive, etc.). Body image is predominantly formed during one’s life on the basis of integration of information from proprioception, multimodal receptors, sensorimotor stimulation, and feedback.


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Received: 09/14/2023

Accepted: 10/03/2023

Accepted date: 02/07/2024

Keywords: body schema; body image; mental representations; internal representation system

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Issue 1, 2024