Theoretical and Experimental Psychology
ISSN 2073-0861
eISSN 2782-5396
En Ru
ISSN 2073-0861
eISSN 2782-5396

Relationships of value orientations and satisfaction of safety needs with attitudes towards robots among people of different generations


Background. Attitudes towards new technologies are interconnected with various psychological factors, including the personal value profile. One of these technologies is a robot equipped with artificial intelligence, which can sometimes be perceived as a source of threat, including psychological safety. Meanwhile, the problem of the relationship between the value profile, security needs satisfaction and the attitude towards robots among representatives of different generations remains insufficiently studied.

Objective. To conduct a pilot study on the relationships of the value orientations and security needs satisfaction with the attitude towards robots among people of three generations of Russian people: X, Y, Z.

Study Participants. The study sample consisted of 102 people aged 18 to 55 years (residents of Moscow and Moscow region), generation X — 29 people (born in 1968–1981), generation Y — 38 people (born in 1982–2000), generation Z — 35 people (born since 2001 and later).

Methods. “Portrait Value Questionnaire” (PVQ-21) by S. Schwartz, questionnaire “Assessment of security need satisfaction” by O. Zotova, “Attitude towards technology” questionnaire by G. Soldatova et al., “Negative Attitude towards Robots Scale” (NARS) adapted by V. Akmayev.

Results. The study has identified significant differences in the value profile, security need satisfaction, and attitudes to technology among representatives of generations X, Y, and Z. The data analysis showed partial shift in the system of values and security satisfaction degree from generation X to generation Z. Thus, the older generation X is characterized by a desire for traditional things, as well as a lower level of security need satisfaction, which correlates with a more negative attitude towards robots. Whereas the younger generation Z, being more risk-averse, has a more positive attitude towards robots. The regression analysis has identified the predictors of negative attitudes towards robots.

Conclusion. The study highlights the existing relationships between a person’s attitude towards robots, security need satisfaction and the value profile, which has characteristic differences in certain age groups. A high degree of security need satisfaction is a predictor of positive attitudes towards robots. New technologies can contribute to a sense of insecurity which is consistent with a lack of accepting them. Thus, the study revealed certain differences in attitudes towards robots among representatives of different generations. There is a need for maintaining an optimal level of psychological safety in order to form a positive attitude towards new technologies including artificial intelligence.


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Received: 11/27/2023

Accepted: 12/19/2023

Accepted date: 02/15/2024

Keywords: value profile; security need; attitude towards robots; technology; artificial intelligence

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Issue 1, 2024