Theoretical and Experimental Psychology
ISSN 2073-0861
eISSN 2782-5396
En Ru
ISSN 2073-0861
eISSN 2782-5396

Relationships of innovative personality features with meta-values, self-organization and life satisfaction among university students in the context of resource approach


Background. The relevance of the study is due to the changes currently taking place in society, which leave an imprint on the activity of a person as a subject of activity, which pose the task of studying his psychological resources in a rapidly changing world. The resource approach is practically in demand when accompanying the educational process in modern conditions.

Objective. To identify the relationship of innovative personality qualities with meta-values, self-organization and life satisfaction among university students.

Study Participants. The study involved 226 female university students of Tomsk, (average age 20.18 years, CD = 1.17 years).

Methods. The following methods were used in the study: Scale of self-assessment of innovative personality qualities (SIPQ) by N. Lebedeva, A. Tatarko; Portrait Values Questionnaire-Revised — PVQ-R by Sh. Shvartz; Scale “Regularity” of the Questionnaire of Activity Self-organization (QSA) by E.Y. Mandrikova; “Life Satisfaction Scale” by E. Diener. The results were processed using the Statistica 10.0 program. Descriptive statistics, regression and cluster analysis were used in the study.

Results. Correlation analysis showed that “Innovation Index” is most closely related to the meta-value “Openness to change” and also has positive relationships with “Planning” and “Life satisfaction”. There is no significant correlation between the “Innovation Index” and the meta-value “Preservation”. Cluster analysis made it possible to identify 4 groups of students. The greatest differences between them were identified in “Planning”, “Life Satisfaction”, and “Innovation Index”. No significant differences in values were found among female students.

Conclusion. The innovative personality traits revealed among female university students have significant relationships with their openness to change, self-organization and life satisfaction. The most significant differences between the identified typological groups of female students are observed in the level of self-organization and planning, as well as life satisfaction. The described typological characteristics of students in selected groups will make it possible to organize assistance to students in the development of psychological qualities necessary for mastering a new social role and profession. The results of the study contribute to the development of the resource approach to the study of personality characteristics of university students.


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Received: 07/16/2023

Accepted: 08/14/2023

Accepted date: 11/15/2023

Keywords: psychological resources; female students; values; life satisfaction; innovation index; planning

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Issue 1, 2024