Kapustin Sergey A.
PhD. Candidate in Psychology
Cand. Sci. (Psychology), Assistant professor at the Department of Methodology of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Typical personal prerequisites for the clients’ problems in psychotherapy and its purpose in the works of K. Jung and C. Rogers from the perspective of an integrative approachTheoretical and Experimental Psychology 2024. 3. p.185-203read more250
Background. In an earlier article (Kapustin, 2024a), as a result of the analysis of E. Fromm’s works, three basic theoretical provisions were formulated that constitute the basis of the proposed integrative approach to understanding the personal prerequisites of the clients’ problems in psychotherapy and its purpose, which allows for considering the different perspectives on these issues contained in the well-known theories of psychotherapy by S. Freud, A. Adler, K. Jung, C. Rogers and V. Frankl from a unified common position. The first of them characterizes the objective property of human life inherent in its very nature, the second one concerns the typical personal prerequisites for the clients’ problems in psychotherapy, and the third one identifies the purpose of psychotherapy itself. The subsequent publications (Kapustin, 2024b, 2024c), based on the analysis of the theories of S. Freud, A. Adler and V. Frankl, have demonstrated the declared possibilities of the integrative approach.
Objective. To analyze theoretical ideas on the typical personal prerequisites of the clients’ problems in psychotherapy and its purpose contained in the works of K. Jung and C. Rogers from the position of an integrative approach, demonstrating its capabilities on the basis of these theories.
Results. It is shown that theoretical ideas of the named authors on the typical personal prerequisites of the clients’ problems in psychotherapy and its purpose can be considered as a particular case of the more general basic provisions of the integrative approach.
Conclusions. Ideas of K. Jung and C. Rogers about the typical personal prerequisites for the clients’ problems in psychotherapy and its purpose, despite obvious theoretical differences, nevertheless allow for considering them from a unified, common position set by the three basic provisions of the integrative approach. Thus, on the basis of these two psychotherapeutic theories, the proposed integrative approach obtains a certain theoretical justification for its capabilities.
Keywords: integrative approach in psychotherapy; human nature; existential dichotomies; value position of personality