Mitin Georgiy V.
Psychological Features of Personal And Professional Development of Students During the Transition From Secondary Education to Higher Education: Crises and Conditions for OvercomingTheoretical and Experimental Psychology 2021. 3. p.42-54read more1166
In the mainstream of the systemic personality-developmental approach, a theoretical and empirical study of continuity as the basis for ensuring the learning and development of schoolchildren and students during the transition «school-university» was carried out. The results of the study made it possible to distinguish three crises of continuity: the crisis of the transition from general education to higher education, the crisis of the middle of education at a higher educational institution, and the crisis of the transition from education at a higher educational institution to professional activity. It is shown for the first time that overcoming and preventing succession crises depends on the following psychological conditions: 1) the level of self-awareness of the student, 2) the level of personal and professional development of the teacher, 3) the degree of formation of the polysubject community at school and university. Psychological and pedagogical tools (psychological programs) aimed at preventing and correcting succession crises have been developed and introduced into the educational process of the university.
Keywords: personal and professional development; multi-subject community «teacher-student»; continuity; crises; self-awareness; psychological defenses; conditions and means; «school-university»; correctional and developmental programs