Banshchikova Tatyana N.
Ph.D in Psychology
Head of the Scientific-Educational Center for psychological support of personal-professional development
Self-regulation and hardiness at different stages of professional developmentTheoretical and Experimental Psychology 2022. 2. p.67-92read more1187
Background. The need to repeatedly change the type of professional activity, reducing the duration of professionalization stages often leads to the time sense disturbances, loss of the meaning of life, and a decrease in the coping strategies effectiveness. In this regard, investigating the role of personality resources, their mobilization and integration at different stages of professionalization remains a pressing issue.
Objective. The study had its purpose to identify the features of conscious self-regulation and hardiness at the different stages of professionalization. In the course of the work, the following hypothesis was tested: the type of a subject’s professional activity and the stage of professionalization affect the general level and the structure of links between the conscious self-regulation and his hardiness.
The sample consisted of 284 respondents (144 women and 140 men) aged 17 to 59 years.
Methods. The diagnostic complex included V.I. Morosanova’s “Self-regulation profile questionnaire, SRPQM-2020” and the “Test of hardiness” by D.A. Leontiev and E.I. Rasskazova. Collecting empirical data was carried out using blank testing and online testing by means of “Google Forms”. The results were processed using the calculation of descriptive statistics, the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, one-way and two-way analysis of variance, and the Mann-Whitney U-test.
Results. The data analysis has revealed that the highest values and density of correlations between the indicators of conscious self-regulation and hardiness are observed at the stage of professional adaptation. The relationship between subjects’ self-regulation and hardiness is more pronounced in the representatives of technical professions at the stages of their adaptation and professionalization. The study results can be used in the practice of occupational psychologists, personnel services, in the guidelines for developing hardiness, resilience, and regulatory resources of a person at the stage of professional adaptation.
Conclusions. It has been established that the sphere of professional activity (social-humanitarian or technical) has a greater influence on the indicators of resilience and self-regulation of the subject than the stage of his professional development.
Keywords: subject of labor; hardiness; conscious self-regulation; stages of professional development; technical field of activity; social and humanitarian field of activity
Conscious self-regulation as resource for overcoming stress and achieving subjective well-being: ethno-regional specificityTheoretical and Experimental Psychology 2023. 1. p.19-42read more1098
Background. The problem of maintaining subjective well-being in situations of uncertainty becomes extremely relevant in the context of the global challenges of modern society. The significant role of conscious self-regulation (SR) in achieving subjective well-being has been shown in samples of students at various levels of education, but has not yet been considered in samples of young people from various ethno-regional groups. The study of cross-cultural aspects of SR influence on subjective well-being in conditions of uncertainty is intended to supplement this section of psychological knowledge and is in demand by modern psychological practice in the regions characterized by ethnocultural diversity.
Objective. The study had its purpose to reveal ethno-regional specifics in the relationship of conscious self-regulation, tolerance to uncertainty, levels of stress, aggression, and subjective well-being.
Methods. The diagnostic complex included V.I. Morosanova’s questionnaire “Style of self-regulation of behavior, SSPM-2020”, the questionnaire for diagnosing the subjective well-being of a person by R.M. Shamionov, T.V. Beskova; the questionnaire of tolerance / intolerance to uncertainty by T.V. Kornilova and M.A. Chumakova, the questionnaire of perceived stress by T. Young, the questionnaire for diagnosing aggression by S.N. Enikolopov, N.P. Tsibulsky.
Sample. The study involved 1099 respondents aged 16 to 35 years (679 women) from the Karachay-Circassian Republic, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, the Stavropol Territory, Moscow and the Moscow Region.
Results. A path analysis of the connection between conscious self-regulation and subjective well-being was carried out for 7 ethno-regional groups of respondents. This allowed for establishing both direct and indirect (through reduction of stress and aggression) effect of the SR component “persistence” on the subjective well-being of participants. Along with general patterns, the study revealed the ethno-regional specificity of the resource role of conscious SR in achieving subjective well-being. For the dominant ethnic groups, SR components “modeling”, “persistence”, and “reliability” serve as the resources of subjective well-being. Intolerance to uncertainty turned to be a predictor of their subjective well-being. For the non-dominant ethnic groups, SR components “planning”, “persistence”, and “reliability” serve as the resources of subjective well-being. Tolerance to uncertainty is predicting their subjective well-being.
Conclusion. The study provides empirical evidence of the direct and indirect influence of the conscious SR components on the level of subjective well-being of the young people in various ethno-regional groups.
Keywords: subjective well-being; conscious self-regulation; tolerance to uncertainty; youth; life stress; aggression; ethno-cultural differences