Morosanova Varvara I.
Doctor of Psychology
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Dr. Sci. (Psychology), Professor, Head of the Department of Psychology of Self-regulation, Federal Scientific Center of Psychological and Multidisciplinary Research.
Individual-typological features of relationship between conscious self-regulation, psychological well-being and academic achievement in 6th grade studentsTheoretical and Experimental Psychology 2022. 1. p.52-78read more1305
Background. The research was carried out in the context of the relevant problem of academic success and was focused on its least studied aspect — individual-typological manifestations of non-cognitive predictors of academic achievement.
Objective. The study had its purpose to analyze the individual-typological features of the relationship between conscious self-regulation, psychological well-being and academic achievement in 6th grade students.
Sample. The sample consisted of 169 students (mean age — 11.99 years).
Methods. V.I. Morosanova’s “Self-Regulation Profi le of Learning Activity Questionnaire” (SRPLAQ), Russian version of “Big Five Questionnaire — Children version” (BFQ-C) (Malykh et al.), Russian adaptation of “Well-Being Manifestation Measure Scale” (Morosanova et al.), “Attitude towards learning in middle and high school” questionnaire (modification of “Method of diagnostic of learning motivation and emotional attitude to learning in secondary and high school” (Andreeva, Prikhozhan), “Academic Motivation Scale — School” (AMS-S) questionnaire (Gordeeva et al.).
Results. The cluster analysis allowed to identify five individual-typological profiles with varying manifestations of psychological well-being, conscious self-regulation and academic achievement. The regression analysis shows that high academic achievement is supported by academic motivation and psychological well-being. Psychological well-being of students with average academic achievement is supported by conscious self-regulation. Academic achievement of these students, if their well-being and self-regulation are low, might increase due to regulatory flexibility, learning motivation and conscientiousness, and if they are average, then academic success is supported by achievement motivation and self-esteem motivation, as well as motivation to avoid failure. Students with low academic achievement can potentially improve it through self-development motivation, achievement motivation and results evaluation. The resources for maintaining psychological well-being in this group are planning, responsibility and learning motivation.
Conclusion. Th e obtained results can be used to prepare individualized psychological and pedagogical programs aimed at the development of conscious self-regulation, as well as maintaining psychological well-being and academic success of schoolchildren. The article concludes with discussion of new results that require additional research to explain them.
Keywords: differential approach; individual-typological profiles; conscious self-regulation; psychological well-being; academic achievement
Introduction of the Chief EditorTheoretical and Experimental Psychology 2022. 3. p.7-9read more875
Psychology of conscious self-regulation: from origins to modern researchTheoretical and Experimental Psychology 2022. 3. p.58-82read more1559
Background of research into the conscious self-regulation of a person is determined by the increasing uncertainty of existence — the main problem of humanity in a changing world. Actual Federal State Educational Standards guide teachers to create learning conditions conducive to not only personal and cognitive development but regulatory meta-results as well.
Objective. The article has its purpose to consider the ideas of conscious self-regulation at the main stages of development of the scientific school of the self-regulation psychology in connection with creating and implementing various approaches to its study.
Results. The study revealed the historical roots and identified the main stages of developing scientific ideas on the conscious self-regulation of a person. The author analyzed the main provisions, the subject and methods of the structural-functional, subjective, differential and resource approaches to the study of self-regulation corresponding to these stages. The article presents the general results providing verification of the described approaches.
Conclusion. Conscious self-regulation is a controlling meta-resource including universal and special regulatory competencies that provide the conscious setting of goals and managing their achievement. Development of the regulatory competencies ensures successful achieving educational and professional results, as well as solution of a wide range of the life tasks, such as personality self-development, professional self-determination, maintaining psychological well-being and security in situations of uncertainty. It seems promising to develop ideas about the age-related formation of the general ability of self-regulation and its regulatory role in the social interaction of people in the modern conditions of increasing uncertainty in a changing world.
Keywords: conscious self-regulation; meta-resource; differential approach; resource approach; education; regulatory competencies; success; uncertainty; psychological well-being; self-development; professional self-determination
Introduction of the Chief EditorTheoretical and Experimental Psychology 2023. 4. p.10-12read more502
Individual trajectories of psychological well-being dynamics in younger adolescents predicted by personality traits and conscious self-regulationTheoretical and Experimental Psychology 2023. 4. p.46-64read more630
Background. The relevance of study is determined by society’s demand for searching the resources for maintaining psychological well-being (PWB) and positive development of students in a changing educational environment.
Objective. To study individual trajectories of the PWB dynamics depending on the level of conscious self-regulation development and personality features of younger adolescents educated in grades 4-6 of comprehensive school.
Methods. Russian-language version of the questionnaire “Well-Being Manifestation Measure Scale” (Morosanova, Bondarenko, Fomina, 2018); “Big Five Questionnaire — Children version (BFQ-C)” (Russian adaptation by Malykh, Tikhomirova, Vasin, 2015); V.I. Morosanova‘s “Self-Regulation Profile of Learning Activity Questionnaire (SRPLAQ)” (Morosanova, Bondarenko, 2017). Statistical analysis was carried in JASP software, version using the Latent Growth Curve Modeling (LGCM).
Sample. 120 pupils (58 boys) educated in one school of Kaluga took part in the longitudinal study.
Results. The study results demonstrate that individual differences in PWB level of younger adolescents in the 4th grade are determined by the general level of conscious self-regulation as well as the personality features of extraversion and agreeableness. The specifics of individual PWB trajectories in the period from 4th to 6th grade depend on the level of conscious self-regulation. In particular, the higher the level of self-regulation the less is the risk of decline in PWB during 4–6th grades. Gender contributes to psychological well-being only in the 4th grade: its level is higher in boys compared to girls.
Conclusion. New data have been obtained allowing to expand theoretical knowledge about regulatory and personal predictors of psychological well-being in early adolescence.
Keywords: psychological well-being; personality traits; conscious self-regulation; younger adolescents; trajectories; Latent Growth Curve Modeling
Differential aspects of regulatory and personality resources of students with different profiles of school engagementTheoretical and Experimental Psychology 2023. 4. p.218-239read more709
Background. Presented research was carried out in the context of relevant in modern psychology differential approach to the study of the psychological characteristics ensuring students’ academic achievement.
Objective. The study had its purpose to identify differential features of regulatory and personality resources of academic performance in the students with different profiles of school engagement.
Sample. The sample consisted of 1056 schoolchildren of 5-11 grades.
Methods. V.I. Morosanova’s “The Self-Regulation Profile of Learning Activity Questionnaire (SRPLAQ)”; “A Multidimensional School Engagement Scale” (Wang et al., 2019; Russian adaptation Fomina, Morosanova, 2020); “Big Five Questionnaire — Children version (BFQ-C)” (Russian adaptation Malykh et al., 2015); “Academic Motivation Scale — School (AMS-S)” (Gordeeva et al., 2017); “Attitude towards learning in middle and high school” (modification of «Method of diagnostic of learning motivation and emotional attitude to learning in secondary and high school») (Andreeva, Prikhozhan, 2006). Academic achievement indicator was calculated as the average score in all subjects.
Results. The study revealed 4 groups with different levels of school engagement and its components. An analysis of differences in achievement resources in the identified groups showed that students with a high level of school engagement were characterized by the highest levels of self-regulation, internal academic motivation, extraversion, conscientiousness and openness to experience. The most successful in terms of academic achievement were the students with a high level of all engagement components, as well as those with a high cognitive engagement.
Conclusion. The study provides empirical data on the differential features of regulatory and personality resources of academic achievement in the students with different profiles of school engagement. Further studies might be aimed at investigating the age specificity of the identified engagement profiles and individual typological features of academic achievement resources.
Keywords: differential approach; conscious self-regulation; school engagement; academic motivation; personality features; academic achievement